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Sooyoung Cheon

in Statistics

나무로되는 커피 용 탁자

Research Field

Bigdata Analysis: Emotion Analysis, Text Mining, Social Network

Machine Learning & Deep Learning algorithm: Stochastic Optimization

Monte Carlo Methods:  Markov chain Monte Carlo, Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo

Bayesian Computation


Change-point and Regime Switching Analysis

Educational History

Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

        B.S., Mathematics, February 1994


Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

        M.S., Statistics, February 2002

        Master’s Thesis:  “A Study of Generalized Maximum Entropy Estimator for the Panel Regression Model”

        Advisor: Dr. Seuck Heun Song(송석헌), Professor


Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA

        Ph.D., Statistics, May 2007


        :  "Protein folding and Phylogenetic tree reconstruction using Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo"

        Advisor: Dr. Faming Liang, Professor


Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

        Graduate Student                                                              March 2000 – February 2002

        Independent Statistical Consultant                                                   March – June 2001

                Consulted individual graduate students regarding analyzed regression  and multivariate methods.

        Graduate Assistant Non-Teaching                                  September 2000 – June 2001

                Non-Teaching Assistant for undergraduate statistics course (Principles of Statistics / Sampling).

                Graded homework and held office hours.


Korea University, Seoul, South Korea                                             February – July 2002

        Research Associate

                A Study of Generalized Maximum Entropy in longitudinal data, 

                supported by Korea Research Foundation Grant.


Texas A&M Agricultural Research & Extension Center, San Angelo, TX, USA

        Research Assistant                                                                 June 2005 – December 2006

                1. Calibration equation development for statistical analysis of fecal  samples – developed Windows SAS PLS

                2. Sampling Analysis of goats for identifying high and low Consumers (juniper)


University of Virginia, Department of Public Health Sciences, Charlottesville, VA, USA

        Research Fellow(Post-doc)                                                     January 2007 – July 2008

                1. Pathway Modeling with Bayesian Belief Network

                2. Ordered restricted (strictly inequality) inference with Time course Microarray

                3. COXEN (COeXpression ExtrapolatioN) development for predicting the

                     chemosensitivity of human cancers and its application to drug discovery.


Korea University, Sejong, Korea

        Research Professor                                                             August 2008 – February 2010

                1. Bayesian Model Selection Problems: Change points/State switching

                2. Bayesian Phylogeny Analysis via SAMC


Korea University, Sejong, Korea

        Assistant Professor                                                                March 2010 – February 2014 

        Associate Professor                                                                March 2014 – February 2019

        Professor                                                                                  March 2019 – Present


Korean Statistical Society, Seoul, Korea                                                            

        JKSS Screening Committee Member                                                                    October 2013 – December 2013

        JKSS Screening Committee Member                                                                    October 2014 – December 2014


Korean Statistical Society, Seoul, Korea                                                            

        The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics Associate Editor                           January 2017 – December 2018


The Korean Data Analysis Society, Busan, Korea

        Assistant Editor,

        Director for Sejong and Chungcheong                                                                       January 2012 – present


Sejong City Hall, Sejong, Korea

        세종특별자치시 빅데이터 추진 자문단 위원                           February 13 2020 – February 12 2022

MCorporation, Seoul, Korea

        (주)엠코퍼레이션 산업자문 교수                                                October 1 2020 – September 30 2021


관세청: 2020.3.2

국가정보자원관리원: 2019.11.12

국민권익위원회: 2019.11.6

경찰대학교: 2019.10.16

기획재정부 공공정책국: 2020.8.1~2020.12.31 / 2021.8.1~2021.12.31 / 2022.10.10 / 2023.01.10

대전경찰청: 2022.10.07

문화체육관광부: 2018.4.26 / 2020.9.11 / 2021.5.21

서울특별시시청: 2021.6.17 / 2022.6.16

세종특별자치시청: 2019.10.31 / 2020.08.18 / 2021.2.26 3.18 / 2022. 02.16 10.31 11.03

소방청: 2022.08.29

정보통신정책연구원: 2017.4.28 / 2018.4.13 / 2019.4.19 / 2021.3.19 / 2022.07.06-13 09.30

한국과학기술기획평가원: 2018.4.5-6.30 / 2020.5.1~7.31 / 2021.6.22~8.31

한국보건산업진흥원: 2022.07.20

한국조세재정연구원: 2022.10.10 12.07 12.27

한국표준협회 국가품질센터: 2021.6.13-7.16 / 2022.6.12-7.16

환경부: 2022.12.27


Hyosung (Hyosung T&C), Seoul, South Korea                          July 1994 – June 1999

        Assistant Manager

        Major projects completed include the following:

Computer Programmer (C++), SE Team, Seoul, South Korea (January 1999 – June 1999)

Developed RMS (Remote Management System) for NICE, Seoul, South Korea

Computer Programmer (C++), SE Team, Seoul, South Korea (January 1998 – June 1999)

Developed RMS (Remote Management System) for Tranax  (Cross International Technologies), CA, U.S.A.

System Engineer (PL/M), SE Team, Seoul, South Korea (January 1996 – May 1996)

Developed ATM for China Banking Regulatory Commission, Hohhot, China (Inner Mongolia Normal U.)

System Engineer (PL/M), SE Team, Seoul, South Korea (July 1994 – June 1999)

Developed CD and ATM  for: Korea Development, Woori, Kookmin, Kwangju, Busan Bank


Neotechnology, Anyang, South Korea                          December 1999 – February 2000

Assistant Manager

System Engineer

Developed ATM (Auto Teller Machine) for Busan Bank.


Hyosung, Seoul, South Korea                                             July – August 2000

System Engineer (PL/M), free-lancer

Developed CD (Cash Dispenser) for Bank of Nonghyup.

참여 연구 과제

1. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA

Research Fellow(Post-doc)                                                                 January 2007 – July 2008

NIH grant funded by USA government

Genome Integrative Pathway Modeling of Diabetic Atherosclerosis


2. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Research Professor                                                                     January 2007 – December 2009

Korea Science and Engineering Foundation grant funded by Korean government

Bayesian multiple change-point estimation with stochastic approximation Monte Carlo


3. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Assistant Professor                                                                                        May 2011 – April 2013

Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology  (2011-0015000).

Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo in Multiway Contingency Tables (다중 분할표에서의 SAMC)


4. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Assistant Professor                                                                                        May 2013 – April 2014

Grant funded by Korea University

Stochastic approximation Monte Carlo expectation maximization in change-point models

(변환점 모형에서의 확률적 근사 몬테카를로 EM 알고리즘)


5. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Assistant Professor                                                                         November 2013 – October 2016

Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of  Korea (NRF)

funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology      (2013R1A1A2062740).

Generalized Maximum Entropy Estimation for Regression Analysis of Lognitudinal/Panel Data

with Collinearity and/or Censoring Problems

(공선성과 중도절단문제를 가지고 있는 경시적/패널 자료의 회귀분석을 위한 일반화 최대엔트로피 추정)


6. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Associate Professor                                                                       September 2014 – February 2015

Grant funded by Korea University (2014-K1427061: A920141551).

Dual Generalized Maximum Entropy Estimation for Panel Data Regression Models

(패널 회귀모형에서의 이중 일반화 최대엔트로피)


7. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Associate Professor                                                                October 23 2014 – December 22 2014

Grant funded by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (2014-Q1429101). (식품 통계 정비)


8. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Associate Professor                                                                                   March 2015 – August 2015

Grant funded by Korea University (2014-K1504161: A920142925).

Dual Generalized Maximum Entropy Estimation for Unbalanced One-way Error Panel Model

(불균형 일원오차 패널모형을 위한 이중 일반화 최대엔트로피 추정)


9. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Associate Professor                                                                            September 2015 – August 2016

Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of  Korea (NRF)

funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2015S1A5B6036675).

연구책임자 김갑년.

음성인식기술의 문화변동에 대응한 융복합적 연구


10. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Associate Professor                                                                            November 2016 – October 2019

Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of  Korea (NRF)

funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2016R1D1A1B03933876).

Stochastic approximation Monte Carlo and Bayesian subset regression

for the high dimensional generalized linear models (고차원 일반화회귀모형 추론을 위한 SAMC와 BSR)


11. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Associate Professor                                                                              September 2016 – August 2019

Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of  Korea (NRF)

funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2016S1A6A7936467). 연구책임자 김갑년.

노년의 아름다움: 자기생성적 노년을 위한 인문학기반 솔루션


12. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Professor                                                                                               April 29 2020 – December 2021

Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture and Forestry(IPET) through Advanced Production Technology Development Program, funded by Ministry of Agriculture,

Food and Rural Affairs(MAFRA).       

농림수산식품기술기획평가원, 연구책임자 고경철.

빅데이터를 활용한 돼지도체 화상경매 시스템 개발 (Video auction system for pig carcass utilizing big data)


13. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea 

Professor                                                                                                   June 2020 – February 2023

Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant

funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (2020R1F1A1A01071746). 

Bayesian recommendation system using the SAMC algorithm

(SAMC 알고리즘을 이용한 베이지안 추천시스템)


14. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Professor                                                                                                   June 2020 – February 2021

Grant funded by Korea University (2020-K2016421).

인문데이터 기반 AI 이모션 코어기술 및 응용모델

- 포용적 사회 지향의 인간중심 인공지능 개발을 위한 창의 융복합 연구 -


15. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Professor                                                                                                   August 2020 – November 2020

Grant funded by Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI, 한국전자통신연구원).

운전자 정보 데이터 전처리 및 분석


16. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Professor                                                                                                       June 2022 – December 2022

Grant funded by Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology

(KICT, 한국건설기술연구원).

AI 학습 데이터(결과물)의 공동 활용을 통한 KICT AI 과제 발전 방안 연구


17. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Professor                                                                                                   October 2022 – November 2022

Grant funded by IN2WISE (KICT, 인투와이즈).

논문 동영상 플랫폼 개발을 위한 논문 추천 알고리즘 연구용역


18. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Professor                                                                                                   November 2022 – February 2023

Grant funded by 고려대학교 세종캠퍼스(LINC 3.0 사업단)

산학연협력 선도대학 육성사업(LINC 3.0) 산학공동 기술·콘텐츠·비즈니스

개발과제: 어휘연결망과 인공감정 모델링 기반 문학 텍스트 담론 연구

19. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Professor                                                                                                   May 2023 – December 2023

Grant funded by Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT, 한국건설기술연구원)

KICT 인공지능 학습데이터 공동 활용 플랫폼 설계와 단계별 활동 계획 수립 연구

20. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Professor                                                                                                   May 2023 – December 2023

Grant funded by 대전‧세종‧충남 지역혁신플랫폼 모빌리티ICT사업본부 「글로벌 신산업 지원 사업」

유망 자율주행 연구분야 탐색 알고리즘 개발

21. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Professor                                                                                                   May 2023 – February 2024

Grant funded by 대전‧세종‧충남 지역혁신플랫폼 모빌리티ICT사업본부 「글로벌 선도기술 개발지원 사업」

지능형 고해상도 무선 측위 기술 개발

22. Korea University, Sejong, South Korea

Professor                                                                                                   May 2024 – April 2027

National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT)


Adaptively Weighted Stochastic Gradient MCMC Algorithm for Bayesian Inference

(베이지안 추론을 위한 Adaptively Weighted Stochastic Gradient MCMC 알고리즘)

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